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Fetal Station Assessment and Engagement Nursing NCLEX Maternity Review 4 года назад

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Fetal Station Assessment and Engagement Nursing NCLEX Maternity Review

Fetal station assessment review for nursing students preparing for maternity nursing. For maternity nursing exams, you want to be familiar with fetal station and engagement. Fetal station is the location of the baby's presenting part in the pelvis. Therefore, it tells how the baby is descending down the pelvis. Fetal station measurement can help assess if the baby is engaged and helps determine when the baby is to be delivered. The landmarks in the pelvis used to determine fetal station are the ischial spines. The ischial spine is a bony prominence in the pelvis that can be felt during a pelvic exam. Fetal station can measure 5 cm above the ischial spines and 5 cm below the ischial spines. Fetal station is referred to as +5, +4, +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5. For more detailed information, please watch the video. #fetalstation #maternitynursing #maternitylectures Quiz: Notes: More Maternity Reviews:    • Maternity Nursing Lectures   Check out our Super Cool Gear: Facebook:   / registerednurserns   Instagram:   / registerednursern_com   Twitter:   / nursesrn   Popular Playlists: NCLEX Reviews:    • NCLEX Study Strategies   Fluid & Electrolytes:    • Fluid and Electrolytes Nursing   Nursing Skills:    • Nursing Skills Videos  
