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YESHUA - ft.Meredith Mauldin (With Lyric) 3 года назад

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YESHUA - ft.Meredith Mauldin (With Lyric)

YESHUA (Lyrics) YESHUA YESHUA My beloved is the most beautiful Among thousands and thousands My beloved is the most beautiful Among thousands and thousands My beloved is the most beautiful Among thousands and thousands Our God Reigns Our God Reigns Forever Your Kingdom reigns ---------------------------------------------------------- □♡Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; Yes, our God is merciful. ~ Psalm 116:5♡ {^=^} ~ Worship Meets Heaven ; □Even when sometimes it hurts, always do remember that God is on Our side...HE is for us And HE will surely leads us through...~ ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't forget to hit the LIKE & SUBSCRIBE button for more videos❤️ Thanks for watching & May God Bless U All 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 🏳️🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳 If you are the owner of any content that has been uploaded on this channel and you want it removed please contact [email protected] and we will resolve the issue immediately. #Yeshua
