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Скачать с ютуб NSS Golf: THE 70-PT GRIND IS FINALLY OVER (TIED FWR) в хорошем качестве


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AHHHHHH UPDATE (3 weeks later): The world record is now shared with my buddy/fellow American, ‪@DylanThe3595‬, who just recorded a 70-pt game a few minutes ago!! 🥳🎉💯 Where to even start?! Well, this grind began months ago after I got my first 66, which put the realization in motion of how realistic a 70+ score could be. The last holes of my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th 66-pt games featured albatross attempts on each final hole that would've yielded the 70 points if I'd made any of those shots. A couple of those final hole attempts got very close, but none of them were quite enough to clinch the ultimate 70. Then this game happened. I was actually on a super hard tilt leading up to it, and I'd lost all my feel for putting that morning. The game right before this, I couldn't even manage to 2-putt for par on 17 as the second semifinal hole, and I DC'd to save potentially extra rank loss as I was about to miss the final (DCing is something I occasionally do, since it's an unfortunate part of the game but usually preserves some rank tanking). I was pretty upset with how I was playing overall this day, after playing really well the last few days prior, but per usual I kept the livestream going. Onto the topic of this game: landing this seed of holes/wind conditions felt like a true blessing, as if was almost a direct reward for the nearly 2,000 hours I've put into the game over the last 7 months. It was the absolute easiest seed I've ever encountered, and I can imagine plenty other players would have just as easily clinched a 66 or 70 on this seed. I was just wildly lucky to be the one to have it. Over time, I've had a fair share of 28-after 2 starts, several of which began with these same holes: 14 & 15. I was really glad to get the easy eagle on 14, although it's a very accessible pin for albatross. Then on 15, I sliced my approach shot slightly but it was a fairly easy eagle shot that I was lucky to have lipped in. Moving on to the 3rd hole, an easy Resort 1 condition popped up & I was honestly super excited when I saw the flyover view and the 0-wind condition. Still I tried to keep an even keel mindset so I didn't get my hopes up if I somehow missed this eagle or if somehow the final two holes yielded difficult eagle/holeout conditions to closeout. I took my sweet time with the approach shot on Resort 1 because it's one of the more difficult holeouts of the 6 possible pins, since it's not a deadaim eagle like the front pins are. Once I got that eagle, I was honestly thinking of only another 62 or 66 possibility and had still low hopes of landing any more good conditions on the final 2 after already seeing 0-wind condition twice in 3 holes. Moving on to the 4th hole, Resort 2, I was completely shocked to see ANOTHER 0-wind condition, especially with a deadaim pin. I always aim directly center-cup and swing a 5-iron with 3 dots for that pin with a pretty high success rate. I was confident I'd either hole out center-pin or at least hit the lip at a good enough speed to lip in, and I ended up executing the shot EXACTLY like I wanted to (without slicing or mis-hitting the power). Seeing that shot roll in, I think it finally started to become a thought that the last hole could bring up the record possibility. And finally moving on to the last hole, Classic 12, I was absolutely over the moon excited to see that condition. I've practiced that hole probably a thousand times, and to see it yield a condition where I could reach the island fairway easily, I figured it was probably a good possibility that eagle was in play. Truthfully, I was zeroing in for the hopeful albatross, mentally preparing for at least giving it a good run for its money. I didn't even let any intrusive thoughts creep into the picture about any potential of missing the green or not sticking it close. I've choked away many good score opportunities, but I was trying to keep my breathing even and my heart rate steady during this last hole so I didn't get overly strong with my 3-iron approach or with my putting (which I was struggling with like crazy, as I mentioned earlier). Once I stuck the green and saw the shot backspin to point-blank range, I think my heart rate elevated to at least 120 or 130 bpm. I chose to not even take a practice stroke with the putter, and I just went for it. Seeing that last putt go in brought on a feeling of complete catharsis. I WAS SO EXCITED. I was also shocked, relieved, pumped, and so happy in a way that words can hardly even do justice. IT FINALLY HAPPENED. To do it on livestream, to do it with friends watching, and playing in a lobby with a friend (a fellow American living in Japan, Joe), it all just felt SO sweet. I am so thankful for all the love & support along the way from everyone also!! Next step is gonna be just continuing to further the grind and livestreams because playing with everyone and seeing their successes makes it all the more fun regardless of my outcomes! Thanks for watching!!
