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Скачать с ютуб 李玉刚《昭君出塞》温哥华 [1]诗意歌舞剧 Li Yugang 'Wang Zhaojun' Vancouver Dec 2019 в хорошем качестве

李玉刚《昭君出塞》温哥华 [1]诗意歌舞剧 Li Yugang 'Wang Zhaojun' Vancouver Dec 2019 4 года назад

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李玉刚《昭君出塞》温哥华 [1]诗意歌舞剧 Li Yugang 'Wang Zhaojun' Vancouver Dec 2019

李玉刚诗意歌舞剧《昭君出塞》 加拿大-温哥华站 Li Yugang 'Wang Zhaojun' Chinese Opera Musical Show in Vancouver Queen Elizabeth Theatre Dec 07, 2019 《昭君出塞》是李玉刚用六年时间打造的诗意歌舞剧,李玉刚出演昭君,用音乐和舞蹈等多种艺术语言讲述昭君出塞的故事。该剧于2015年在北京首演,几年过去,李玉刚对其全新改版,重新讲述“四大美人”传奇。李玉刚不断阅读关于昭君的资料,学习古代音乐,重走了昭君的出塞之路,跋涉3000多公里采风,考察昭君之路沿途的风土人情,定位艺术风格,获中华人民共和国文化和旅游部、国家广播电视总局、北京市人民政府的大力支持以及业界顶尖的班底配置。向观众重塑《昭君出塞》这个经典故事,带来了一场新东方美学的视觉盛宴。全剧分为“争艳”、“宫怨”、“对局”、“迎亲”、“光阴”、“灵山”、“翱翔”共七个篇章,演绎了王昭君的历史传奇。由中国舞台美术学会副会长、中央戏剧学院教授刘杏林担任舞美设计,叶锦添担任艺术总监,国家“五个一”工程获奖者李小平担任总导演,青年作曲家张筱真担任音乐总监 。[内容来自主办方] 王昭君(前51年-前15年),西漢南郡秭歸(今湖北省興山縣)人,漢元帝時期的宮女、古代四大美人的落雁,成語中的「沉鱼落雁」。公元前54年,匈奴呼韩邪单于被哥哥郅支单于打败,南迁至长城外的光禄塞下,同西汉结好,曾三次进长安入朝,并向汉元帝请求和亲。王昭君听说后请求出塞和亲。她到匈奴后,被封为“宁胡阏氏”(意思是王后),象征她将给匈奴带来和平、安宁和兴旺。《昭君出塞》这个有根据历史的故事被创作成诗歌、琵琶曲、戏剧、电视剧等艺术作品。[内容来自维基百科] Li Yugang (Chinese: 李玉刚;; pinyin: Lǐ Yùgāng) is a singer and a performer in the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater; a member of the National Youth Federation. He specialises in "nan dan" role, which is male who plays female role in Peking opera. Li Yugang has released a number of CDs. Li Yugang directed and starred in his own stage production "Lady Zhaojun" 《昭君出塞》, a grand Oriental Poetic Stage production which took him more than three years in preparation. "Lady Zhaojun" premiered in Beijing on April 16–19 and it is expecting to go on a world tour in 2016. In August 2015 Li Yugang and "Lady Zhaojun" stage production were nominated at 4th Denny award in Beijing for the International Excellence in Theatrical Arts in four categories. Wang Zhaojun was one of the four China’s ancient beauties. Like her peers, her fame was also tied to the political development of her time. Today, the name of Zhaojun not only symbolizes beauty, but also goodwill to bridge different cultures, even at the expense of one’s own interests. In the "Four Beauties" legend, Wang Zhaojun left her hometown on horseback on a bright autumn morning and began a journey northward. Along the way, the horse neighed, making Zhaojun extremely sad and unable to control her emotions. As she sat on the saddle, she began to play sorrowful melodies on a stringed instrument. A flock of geese flying southward heard the music, saw the beautiful young woman riding the horse, immediately forgot to flap their wings, and fell to the ground. And Zhaojun acquired the nickname "fells geese" or "drops birds." [Wikipedia] 李玉刚诗意歌舞剧《昭君出塞》 加拿大-温哥华站 2019年12月7日(六) 2019年12月8日(日) 伊丽莎白女皇剧院 主办单位 加拿大华人联合总会 和华投资集团有限公司 组委会主席 余俊作 组委会荣誉主席 关奉麒 联合出品 中国歌剧舞剧院 中国对外文化集团有限公司 玉泽东方(北京)文化传媒有限公司 中外名人文化传媒集团 中华风韵 Video by Ray Van Eng 雷云影视频  ++++++++++++++++++++++ 雷云影专注中国与西方电影人配合,制作好莱坞和中国的合拍电影。他是一位成功专业的媒体人,获奖的编剧和电影制片人。他的视频作品曾被选为美国纽约犹太人遗产博物馆 Hava Nagila 展览的一部分,犹太人遗产博物馆乃一个活生生纪念二战大屠杀的博物馆(。展览于2012-2013年。 Ray Van Eng is an accomplished media professional, award-winning screenwriter and movie producer. His work has been part of the Hava Nagila Exhibit at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in Manhattan in New York, NY from Sep 2012 to May 2013.  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
