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Скачать с ютуб Marc Mauillon, Angélique Mauillon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Pierrre Hamon, Lemberg 2013 в хорошем качестве

Marc Mauillon, Angélique Mauillon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Pierrre Hamon, Lemberg 2013 10 лет назад

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Marc Mauillon, Angélique Mauillon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Pierrre Hamon, Lemberg 2013

Mon chant vous envoy Virelaji, balade in rondoji Guillauma de Machauta / Virelais, ballades et rondeaux de Guillaume de Machaut Petek / Friday, 26. 7. 2013, 20:30 Vojnik, Grad Lemberg / Lemberg Castle Seviqc Brežice festival stare glasbe / Early music festival Marc Mauillon (glas / voice) Vivabiancaluna Biffi (viela, glas / medieval fiddle, voice) Angélique Mauillon (gotska harfa, glas / gothic harp, voice) Pierre Hamon (srednjeveške flavte, dude, boben / medieval flutes, bagpipe, drum) S programom Mon chant vous envoy (Pošiljam vam svojo pesem) Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi in Angélique Mauillon nadaljujejo svojo očarujočo pustolovščino, v kateri nam z obilico domišljije in natančnosti ter na povsem nov način prikažejo enega največjih evropskih glasbenikov srednjega veka: Guillauma de Machauta. Kako je mogoče, da imajo več kot 700 let kasneje ta zaporedja notnih znamenj tolikšen učinek? To je skrivnost. Čeprav originalno besedilo pogosto deluje izumetničeno, je glasba nenavadno sveža. Ta dela so tako moderna, da lahko v njih uživa tudi današnje občinstvo, ne da bi jih bilo treba posodobiti. Ta glasba predvsem razkriva dušo pesnika, čigar besede so neverjetno blizu našim lastnim občutenjem; nemirna duša, ki se sprašuje o skrivnostni usodi in ljubezenskih bolečinah, medtem ko gleda v nebo, a ne najde nobene gotovosti. Virelaji, balade in rondoji predstavljajo tisti vidik glasbe Guillauma de Machauta, ki je še vedno premalo poznan, glasbo, na katero prepogosto gledamo kot na razumsko in težko dostopno. Res, bil je prvi skladatelj, ki je pisal dela, ki se po virtuoznosti in intelektualnih ambicijah lahko primerjajo z Bachovo Umetnostjo fuge (Ma fin est mon commencement). Pisal pa je tudi miniature s pridihom ljudske glasbe (Douce dame jolie). V teh delih ni nobene pretirane sentimentalnosti, pomenijo pa vrhunec poetične umetnosti dvorske ljubezni, katere melodije so neverjetno žive in so del našega spomina, naše duše ter v nas prebujajo strasti in strahove tistega mučnega obdobja, štirinajstega stoletja, ko so se v svetu vojn in epidemij rojevali tako strastna intelektualna razmišljanja kot tudi čudovita žeja po življenju. Izvajalci, zbrani okrog Marca Mauillona in Pierra Hamona, so najprej dodobra raziskali pesnikov jezik in posvetili veliko časa besedilu, pri čemer so se o pomembnejših vprašanjih posvetovali z jezikoslovci in muzikologi, strokovnjaki za tisto obdobje, in šele potem pa so bili pripravljeni, da dela predstavijo. Uspelo jim je obnoviti vso modernost in brezčasnost teh pesmi, ki jih je napisal prvi francoski »kantavtor« v sodobnem pomenu izraza. With "Mon chant vous envoy", Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon, Vivabiancaluna Biffi and Angélique Mauillon continue their fascinating adventure, shedding new light with imagination and precision on one of the greatest European musicians of the Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut. How is it that more than 700 years later these sequences of notes can have such an impact? This is a mystery. Although the original lyrics often seem overwrought, the music is extraordinarily fresh. These works are so modern that audiences of today can appreciate them exactly as they are, without any need for updating. This music reveals above all the soul of a poet whose words are amazingly close to our own sensibilities, an unquiet soul questioning destiny, the mysteries of fate and the torments of love, while looking to heaven but finding no certainty. Virelais, ballades and rondeaux represent the aspect of Guillaume Machaut's music that is still too little known, music that is all too often regarded as intellectual and not easy to approach. Granted, he was the first composer to write pieces of a virtuosity and intellectual ambition comparable to J. S. Bach's The Art of Fugue ("Ma fin est mon commencement"). But he also composed folklike miniatures ("Douce dame jolie"). There is no oversentimentality in these works, which mark the culmination of the poetic art of courtly love, whose melodies are so incredibly alive, a part of our memory, our psyche, awakening the passions and anxieties of that tormented age, the fourteenth century, when, on a background of war and epidemics, were expressed such intense intellectual speculation, such a wonderful thirst for living. After devoting thorough research to the poet's language and much thought to the text, after discussing the matter with linguists and musicologists specialising in this period, the performers gathered around Marc Mauillon and Pierre Hamon were ready to present these pieces. They restore all the modernity and the timelessness of these songs written by France's first "singer-songwriter", in the modern sense of the term. Video produkcija / Produced by: Žan Cimerman
