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Скачать с ютуб Yamaha GB1 Baby Grand Piano | Reasons To Buy One | Rimmers Music в хорошем качестве

Yamaha GB1 Baby Grand Piano | Reasons To Buy One | Rimmers Music 3 года назад

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Yamaha GB1 Baby Grand Piano | Reasons To Buy One | Rimmers Music

Here we have Graham Blackledge explaining the benefit of a Yamaha GB1 Baby Grand Piano | GB1K | Polished Ebony The Yamaha GB1 is a fabulous baby grand piano. At just over 5ft it is a great size for many homes too! It is a very popular model and considered excellent value for money. Built with Yamaha's excellent quality control you are assured an amazing piano to play in a beautiful cabinet, with a nice slow fall key-fall. The key action is extremely responsive with nice tonal changes on touch. This piano is a pleasure to play and I would recommend you get one! Graham Blackledge - Rimmers Music You can find out more about this and other pianos on Rimmers Music website. Here is a link for you: We are also here: Rimmers Music Website:​​ Rimmers Music Blogs:​​ Facebook:​​ Instagram:​​ Twitter:​​ Rimmers Music Tel: 01772 622111 Rimmers Music Email: [email protected] Don't Forget To Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel By Following This Link:​ #yamahagb1k #yamahagb1 #yamahapianos #yamahagrandpianos #babygrand #yamahapiano​ #pianoforsale​ #pianoshop​ #usedpianos​ #rimmersmusic​ #pianoteacher​ #pianist #bgt
