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Versailles, from Louis XIII to the French Revolution 12 лет назад

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Versailles, from Louis XIII to the French Revolution

Version française :    • Versailles, de Louis XIII à la Révolu...   🌍 How did Versailles look like before Louis XIV? How did the small hunting lodge of Louis XIII become the largest Palace in Europe? What embellishments did the young Sun King want in his Palace of festivities and amusements? Did you know that the Hall of Mirrors was originally a terrace overlooking the gardens? More discover: 📲 Plus d'informations : More information : 📍 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube du Château de Versailles ! Subscribe to the Palace of Versailles YouTube channel ! Rejoignez-nous sur / Join us on : ➡ Facebook :   / chateauversailles   ➡ Twitter :   / cversailles   ➡ Instagram :   / chateauversailles   ➡ Tik Tok : © Château de Versailles, 2012
