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Скачать с ютуб H2Oi, Ocean City 2017 - The Strip 2.0 - ILB Drivers Club в хорошем качестве

H2Oi, Ocean City 2017 - The Strip 2.0 - ILB Drivers Club 6 лет назад

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H2Oi, Ocean City 2017 - The Strip 2.0 - ILB Drivers Club

Help support our films by subscribing to our channel and picking up the official film poster: \ Over the last weekend in September / first of October, we headed back stateside to attend the world famous H2o International. Except for this year, there was no show; it had been cancelled just a month or so before. But that didn't stop us - or thousands of others flooding into the seaside town. Over the period of four days, we shot our second ever H2oi film - based around some of our favourite cars and locations in Ocean City. Named after the nickname given to the coastal highway that sees the majority of action, this is The Strip 2.0. -- Directed & Edited by: ADAM MCPEAKE Assistant Director: JAMES PRESTON Music ( In order of appearance ) VHS Glitch - No Mercy   / land-with-no-future-album-teaser     / vhsglitch     / vhs.glitch   Damned - All we need   / all-we-need     / adispasescu   Vi Res - Side A. Fallout   / vi-res   Highway Superstar - Dialtones   / dialtones     / highwaysuperstar     / highwaysuperstr   Betamaxx - Midnight Prospect   / midnight-prospect   / betamaxx80s     / betamaxx80s   Klassy Jones - Savage Void   / klasey     / klaseyjones     / klaseyjones   Highway Superstar - Prism Break   / highwaysuperstar     / highwaysuperstar     / highwaysuperstr   Klassy Jones - Feel the Fire   / klasey     / klaseyjones     / klaseyjones   VHS Glitch - Road To The Battlefield   / vhs-glitch     / vhsglitch     / vhs.glitch   Betamaxx - Something Else (feat. Hayley Stewart)   / betamaxx   / betamaxx80s     / betamaxx80s   [ Help support this artist, please buy their music ] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Starring ( In order of appearance ) John Ludwick Ben Walker Karel Couture Kristian Donaj Junior Smith Josh Mawdesley Kyle Scaife Greg Zorn Thierry Prevost Nick Harding Mike Cashman Equipment used: Sony FS7 + Metabones Speed booster Sony A7S mk2 + Metabones Sony Zeiss 55mm 1.4 Sony 28mm - 70mm 3.5 - 5.6 Canon 70-200mm 2.8 IS Sigma 35mm 1.4 Freefly Movi Pro DJI Phantom 4 Manfrotto Suction Mounts Zoom H4N Final Cut Pro X Adobe After Effects ---
