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Скачать с ютуб Inside Barcelona’s DANGEROUS Tourist Zone: 300 ROBBERIES a Day 🇪🇸 в хорошем качестве

Inside Barcelona’s DANGEROUS Tourist Zone: 300 ROBBERIES a Day 🇪🇸 1 год назад

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Inside Barcelona’s DANGEROUS Tourist Zone: 300 ROBBERIES a Day 🇪🇸

Travel Vlog Barcelona - Spain's second biggest city in Catalonia, is among the most visited tourist destinations in the world. It's also home to increasing crime rates through pick-pockets, thefts, violent crime, among other things. I take you to one of Barcelona's most dangerous areas - El Raval, next to the Las Ramblas to show you firsthand. Ceuta - Europe in Africa Video:    • Europe's MIGRANT CRISIS STARTS HERE |...   Other crazy adventure videos..: Lisbon Portugal's most dangerous hood:    • KICKED OUT of Portugal's MOST DANGERO...   Dangerous Spanish Ghetto:    • Gypsy Tries to Run Me Over With Horse...   SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ✅ ►PayPal: (one-time support) ►Patreon:   / adventureelliot   (monthly support) 💥Mi Canal en ESPAÑOL:    / aventureroelliotenespa%c3%91ol   FOLLOW ME 📸 ►Instagram: ►FACEBOOK PAGE:   / adventureelliot   ►Twitter:   / elsmith234   ►Tik tok: Adventure Elliot is a bilingual travel vlogger (English and Spanish) with a particular interest in the Spanish speaking world. I enjoy taking adventures - big or small - and my goal is to show the Spanish speaking world 1 video at a time. The goal of my channel is simple yet complex: I want to document and share authentic & educational content of anything related to Adventure Travel, Geography, & Language in the Spanish-speaking world. It's kind of a loaded topic, but it allows me to never exhaust my creative outlets. The truth is, I've always been extremely passionate about what I'm doing on my channel, but I never properly documented it when I started adventuring as a younger man in my college years. I've made over 150 Youtube videos in both English and Spanish, and I have aspirations to make 1000s more. If that sounds interesting to you, join the community and follow me along the way.. After all, we're just getting started. #barcelona #travel #dangerous
